Materials and Tools List
Please skip to the bullet-list below if you know the basics of earthbags and earthbag building and just want a list of the materials for building homes with earthbags. If you wish to bookmark this page for future reference please press (Ctrl + D).
In a nutshell; earthbag building uses sandbags (woven propylene bags/earthbags) filled with the best material for the climate and environment of the buildsite. The materials that you can use inside the bags are inexpensive and virtually endless, often earth is used; hence “earthbags”. To see a list of tested materials used in earthbag/green homes click here.
The interest in using earthbags for home building has increased greatly over the last two years. Earthbags have often been used for military structures; since they are so substantial they will naturally stand up to floods, earthquakes, severe weather, and are virtually fireproof.
So if this method is so great why hasn’t it gained popularity before now? Well, it has been popular for one hundred years or so! When the military needed to build a structure quickly, for little money, and with the properties mentioned above they used earthbags.
Many are now interested in using this method to construct inexpensive green homes.
All of the trial and error has been done for you. Please read more about this method if you are interested in building a “green home”, or simply building a home that will last you a lifetime and cost around 10$ a square foot! For a detailed step by step guide please click here.
- Bolt Cutters (for cutting barbed wire).
- Tape Measure
- Hammer
- 4-Point Barbed Wire
- Grub or Grape Hoe
- Sheetmetal Slider
- Stringline
- 5 Cement Buckets (2 Gallon/Heavy-Duty)
- 4 Gallon bucket with bottom cut off
- Level
- 15 Gauge Galvanized Wire
- Tampers
- Shovel
- Wire Cutters
- Woven Propylene bags (18x30) bundle (500)
That’s it! (Of course you may need more bags depending on your project).